Home Hospital Instruction
What is Home Hospital Instruction (HHI)?
A program for any student who is temporarily disabled by an accident or by a physical, mental, or emotional illness that makes school attendance impossible or inadvisable. The period for Home Hospital must be at least three weeks and a home/hospital instruction request must be verified by a licensed physician. HHI is not automatic on receipt of the provider's referral. Once Student Services receives the Doctor's note, it must be reviewed before the district makes a decision.
Please take the HH Referral form to your student's doctor's office for an official (stamped, faxed or emailed) referral for Home Hospital instruction. A Medical Information Release Form must also be completed and signed by the parent, and submitted with the Home Hospital Referral to either the school office or Student Services. Below are the forms that must be filled out. The form, “Referral For Home/Hospital Instruction”, may be downloaded from this page, requested from school offices, or picked up at the Educational Support Services (ESS) building.
Home Hospital Instruction Referral Form
Medical Information Release Form
The Student Services department will assist in arranging for home/hospital instructions. If you are not sure if your child meets the home/hospital requirements or if you have additional questions about this program, please call Student Services at 760-966-7837 or email Ruby Barba (ruby.barba@oside.us).