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University Student Placements

Student Teacher And Practicum Placements

OUSD works with universities and site administrators to place university students with exemplary OUSD educators.

Universities wishing to place their student teachers or practicum students with educators in our district should submit one of these forms:

University Supervisor Guidelines

Placement Requests process:

Requests must be submitted by university supervisors.

* Students may not request placements, nor may they coordinate placement with sites directly


        Request due to Human Resources

          Universities notified if placement made (no later than)

Fall (August and September start)

        August 1

           August 15

Spring (January or spring start)

        December 1

           December 15

Universities wishing to place their student teachers or practicum students with educators in our district should submit one of these forms:

Student Teacher Placement Request
Practicum Placement Request  (SLP/Counselor/Psychologist)