HR - Certificated
Certificated Human Resources
The Certificated Human Resource Department takes great pride in assisting you. Please contact us with any questions or needs you may have. All job postings, including substitute recruitments, are completed through
AB 2534 Verifications
As of January 1, 2025, in accordance with Education Code section 44939.5 (as amended by California AB2534) applicants for certificated positions are required by law to provide a complete list of every school district, county office of education, charter school and/or state special school with which they have previously been employed, regardless of the length of service. To submit/request an AB 2534 verification, please email
Contact Us
Elizabeth Rabel Blackman Ed.D
Director of Human Resources, Certificated
Vicki Barnett
Administrative Assistant
(760) 966-4033
Isabel Garduno
Credential Technician
Credentials, current administrators, and assignment/credential monitoring.
(760) 966-4046
Julie Harrington
Human Resource Technician, A-G
Employees/prospective employees, school coaches
(760) 966-4019
Adrienne Mangabay
Human Resource Technician, H-O
Employees/prospective employees, substitutes/prospective substitutes.
(760) 966-4027
Priscilla Fortson
Human Resource Technician, P-Z
Employees/prospective employees, leaves of absence
(760) 966-4023