Employee Safety
Safety is Everyone's Responsibility
Each and every employee is a valuable resource to the District. That is why the District is committed to providing employees with the safe work environment you expect. However, we all share the responsibility for promoting a safety culture and we all share accountability to value safe work practices and the safety programs that are put into place.
Make a commitment today to take an active role in safety.
Safety Focus: Heat Illness Awareness and Prevention
Use this bulletin to learn more about how to stay safe during hot weather conditions, including how to prevent, recognize, and cope with heat-related illnesses.
Forms and Instruction Sheets
Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
Authorization for Medical Treatment
Instructions for Sites Handling An Incident
Reporting & Return to Work Instructions
Temporary Prescription ID Card
Workers' Compensation Claim Form (DWC-1)
Workers' Compensation Benefits & Procedures
Non Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
Prior Safety Focus Topics
Preventing Strains, Sprains, and Struck By Incidents
Back to School and Classroom Set-up Safety
Workers' Compensation / Return to Work Office
Meach Davis
Tel: (760) 966-4035
Fax: (760) 967-7178
Hours: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Safety Programs
Injury and Illness Prevention Program
Heat Illness Prevention Program
Respiratory Protection Program
Exposure Control Plan for Bloodborne Pathogens
Utility Cart Safety Guidelines
Safety Training: Keenan SafeSchools
The safety of our staff and students is of utmost importance. That's why the District offers the SafeSchools Online Training System. These interactive courses are informative and helpful towards maintaining a safe learning environment.
Employees may Log into Keenan using their six digit employee ID number (123-456) to access these courses.