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Why is Oceanside Unified School District an Ideal Workplace?

The Oceanside Unified School District is one of San Diego County’s most dynamic school systems. There is a strong focus on students and the development of exemplary instructional programs.

As a teacher in the District, you will join a team of dedicated educators who serve over 15,550 children in 11 elementary schools, four middle schools, two comprehensive high schools, an independent study high school, a K-12 alternative school, and an adult transition education program. Three of our elementary schools are on Camp Pendleton.  

OUSD welcomes candidates who are new to education. There are many opportunities available that do not require you to have or obtain a certification. You will find those jobs under HR-Classified. 

The District’s student population is diverse, with a student body that represents Hispanic, Caucasian, African-American, Pacific Islander, Asian, and Native American populations. About half of our students participate in free or reduced lunch programs, and about one-fifth are English-language learners.

The City of Oceanside is located in the highly desirable North County region of San Diego County. Residents enjoy ideal weather, the proximity to beaches, and access to the nearby cities of San Diego and Orange County.

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

Oceanside Unified School District is a Tobacco-free District

The conditions of employment in this school district, including the wages, hours, terms, and benefits, shall be applied without regard to race, religious creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, age, marital status, or physical or medical condition unless barred from a bona fide occupational qualification. Thereby, the governing board seeks to extend the advantage of public education with full equality of educational opportunity to all pupils and personnel.