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Developer Fees


Since 1986, the California Legislature has empowered school districts to impose developer fees on residential and commercial/industrial developments. These fees support the construction or renovation of school facilities necessary to accommodate the influx of students generated by new developments. The authority for assessing these fees is outlined in Education Code Section 17620.

Current Fee Structure

Residential $4.79 per square foot
Commercial/Senior Care Living Community $0.78 per square foot
Hotel/Motel $0.573 per square foot
Self-Storage $0.033 per square foot

These fees apply to the construction of new residential units (such as single-family homes, condos, apartments, etc.), as well as additions or remodels that increase assessable space by 500 square feet or more.


Residential construction less than 500 square feet. Developments exclusively used for religious purposes, private schools, or government-owned/occupied property.

Payment Options

Developer Fees can be paid in person or by mail:

Submission: Email the Certificate of Compliance/Project Information Sheet to

Fee Calculation: Upon submission, you will receive an email with the calculated fee amount.

Payment: Send a check or money order payable to Oceanside Unified School District, along with your phone number, email address, and project address to:

Oceanside Unified School District
Fiscal Services Department
2111 Mission Ave
Oceanside, CA 92057

Completion: Once payment is received, OUSD will sign and email the Certificate of Compliance/Project Information Sheet to the provided email address.

This process ensures compliance with statutory requirements and facilitates the funding of essential school facilities in Oceanside.


Fiscal Services

2111 Mission Ave. Bldg. A,
Oceanside, CA 92058
ph: 760-966-4038
fax: 760-754-9036 

Hours: Monday-Friday from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
Cash and checks are accepted. No debit or credit cards at this time.  

Application for Payment

The Application for Payment of State School Developer Fees form must be completed by the City of Oceanside Building Department and the applicant prior to submission to the district.

The City of Oceanside Building Department is located at
300 N Coast Highway, 
Oceanside, CA 92054
Phone: 760-435-3950