Transitional Youth Assistance
Students experiencing Homelessness
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act ensures educational rights and protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness. The Student Services department provides support and resources to the school districts in the Oceanside Unified School District, to implement McKinney-Vento. The Student Services department facilitates enrollment, attendance, and success in school for our homeless children and youth.
The term “homeless children and youth" means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence; and includes children and youth who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason. They may be living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to lack of alternative accommodations; are living in emergency or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; or are awaiting foster care placement.
When students are identified, we are able to offer the following services to meet their needs:
- Immediate enrollment. Homeless students are guaranteed immediate enrollment, even if they lack the proper paperwork such as immunizations, proof of residency, or birth certificates. When these documents are incomplete or missing, the Homeless Liaison helps parents acquire them.
- School Choice Options. Homeless children who move have the right to remain in their school of origin. Once identified, homeless students are monitored to make sure that they are not displaced if the family moves out of the school boundaries. The Homeless Liaison assists families in completing the necessary paperwork so they can remain at their school of origin, thereby affording children a stable educational environment. Homeless children may suffer from poor attendance that affects their educational progress. Based upon this factor, the Homeless Liaison tracks attendance for students to make sure their attendence is consistent. Additionally, if transportation becomes a barrier to the student attending school, the Homeless Liaison ensures students receive busing to and from school at no cost to the parent or guardian.
- Educational Support. All students in OUSD are entitled to support that enhances their educational experience. The free nutrition program is offered to all homeless students upon enrollment. Additionally, support programs such as test prep classes, math remediation classes, English/reading remediation, after-school programs, the Secondary Learning Center (SLC), credit recovery, ELD support classes, and college and financial aid counseling are available to all students. As homelessness can affect the emotional stability of students, we offer counseling services at all sites. When students present more serious concerns, we refer them to outside agencies for assistance. Through the Homeless Liaison, homeless families are made aware of their eligibility regarding such programs and are given the opportunity to make informed decisions regarding their student’s placement.
- Awareness Building. Currently, OUSD administration, enrollment personnel, and health clerks are aware of the needs of homeless students and abide by the McKinney-Vento legislation regarding immediate school enrollment, even without the necessary documentation such as proof of residence, immunizations, or birth certificates. However, we are only made aware of possible homeless situations if a problem arises or a parent discloses this information at enrollment.
- Student Personal Needs. Many homeless students in our district struggle to have their basic needs - food, clothing, and shelter, met. Lack of nutrition, hygiene, and security negatively impacts many of OUSD’s homeless students. To the extent possible, given limitations on social services in the area, the Homeless Liaison makes referrals for these needs.
Send the completed housing questionnaire form below to Ruby Barba. You may contact her or the Transitional Youth Liaison, Myeshia Whigham, at 760-966-7862 for assistance.