Multilingual Learner Program
About the Program
About one-third of our students enrolled in Oceanside schools are Multilingual Learners. In keeping with our mission to educate every student for success in the global community, we are pleased to offer three programs taught by teachers specially trained to address the needs of Multilingual Learners. Multilingual students who are learning English enroll in our Structured English Immersion Program, where instruction is primarily in English and designed to help students learn English as rapidly as possible while giving them special assistance in math, science and history.
Choosing a Language Acquisition Program
Parents or guardians may choose a language acquisition program that best suits their child (EC Section 310). Language acquisition programs are educational programs designed to ensure English acquisition occurs as rapidly and effectively as possible. They provide instruction to English learners based on the state-adopted academic content standards, including English language development (ELD) standards (20 U.S.C. Section 6312[e][3][A][iii],[v]); EC Section 306[c]).
Language Acquisition Programs Offered
We are required to offer, at a minimum, a Structured English Immersion (SEI) program option (EC Section 305[a][2]). We offer the following language acquisition programs:
Structured English Immersion Program: A language acquisition program for English learners in which nearly all classroom instruction is provided in English, but with curriculum and a presentation designed for students who are learning English. At minimum, students are offered Designated ELD and provided access to grade level academic subject matter content with Integrated ELD.
Two Way Bilingual Program: A language acquisition program that provides language learning and academic instruction for native speakers of English and native speakers of another language with the goals of high academic achievement, first and second language proficiency, and cross-cultural understanding. This program begins in Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten (TK/K) and continues to eighth grade.
Newcomer Program: The newcomer program is intended to help bridge the educational and social-emotional experience of students and to support newcomer students and families during, at a minimum, their first year of schooling in the United States.
The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) is a great way for parents to become involved in their child's education at a district level. Each month, parents, teachers, district leaders, and community members attend DELAC meetings.
Upcoming DELAC Meeting/Próxima Reunión de DELAC
DELAC Meetings for 2024-2025
6:00pm - 7:30pm
2080 Mission Ave.
2024-2025 Dates:
- October 15
- December 17
February 4Canceled- March 25
- May 6
Child care available For details, please contact your school
English Learner Master Plan
By using this document, district teachers, support staff, administrators, parents and board members can contribute to bringing a new level of quality and commitment to educating all of our students for the 21st century.
English Learner Master Plan-Spanish
District Title III Plan
The LCAP Federal Addendum describes the supplemental services provided to English Leaners.
ELPAC Overview Spanish
For further information in English and Spanish about the four different ELPAC sections, please see the link below.
Reclassification Criteria for Multilingual Learners learning English
Parent Resources
Parent-Teacher Conference-Spanish
Parent-Teacher Conference-English
Parents or guardians may choose a language acquisition program that best suits their child. Schools in which the parents or guardians of 30 students or more per school or the parents or guardians of 20 students or more in any grade request a language acquisition program that is designed to provide language instruction shall be required to offer such a program to the extent possible (20 U.S.C. Section 6312[e][3][A][viii][III]); EC Section 310[a]).
Parents or guardians may provide input regarding language acquisition programs during the development of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (EC Section 52062). If interested in a different program from those listed above, please contact your school to ask about the process.
Contact Us
Multilingual Collaborative Members
Multilingual Program Assessment and Monitoring
Joshua Thibodeaux
Coordinator of Curriculum & Instruction - Assessments
Extension 7808
Dora Melgar
Admin Secretary I to Joshua Thibodeaux
Extension 7846
Multilingual Learner Curriculum and Instruction
Jennifer Voci
ML TOSA - Elementary
Kimberly Moreno
ML/MTSS TOSA - Secondary
Multilingual Learner Community Outreach
Dr. Jordy Sparks
Executive Director
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Student Supports
Additional ELPAC Resources ELPAC Website
For Student ELPAC Scores, please contact the student's school of attendance.