Graduation Requirements
Students must complete 220 units of credit and complete units in the following specific content areas and minimum amounts in order to receive a high school diploma. Five credits are the equivalent of one semester.
A - Social Science (30 credits)
World History or Geography
US History or AP US History
Civics (U.S.Government) and Economics or AP Government
B - English (40 credits)
English 9
English 10
English 11 American Literature or AP English Language
Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) or AP English Literature
C - Math (30 credits)
Algebra 1 (required)
Geometry or High School Mathematics II
Algebra II or other 3rd year math course
Must be completed during high school years
D - Science ( 20 credits)
Life Science
Physical Science
One year must include a lab
E - World Language (20 credits)
Must be the same language with completion of at least year 2 of the language during grades 9 - 12 OR demonstrated proficiency equivalent to a minimum of two years of course study
F - Visual and Performing Arts or Career Technical Education (10 credits)
G - Electives (40 credits)
Must include one year-long college prep elective course
Ethnic Studies (10 credits)
Beginning with the class of 2026
Physical Education (20 credits)
Including Physical Education 9A & B (10). Special consideration may be granted for students transferring into the district with 20 credits completed, for purposes of allowing every opportunity to complete A-G coursework.
Health (no credits)
Complete State Health requirement